The Czech Republic is located in the Central Europe. It is an inland state with an area of ​​78,870 km². It is bordered by Germany to the west (border length 810 km), Poland to the north (762 km), Slovakia to the east (252 km) and Austria to the south (466 km). Administratively, it is divided into 14 self-governing territorial units - regions, one of the regions is the capital city of Prague. 

The temperate climate in the Czech Republic is transitional between oceanic and continental. Due to the small area, the differences between east and west and between north and south are small. The character of the weather and climate is much more influenced especially by the altitude. A typical feature of the climate is the regular alternation of four seasons.

There are four national parks in the Czech Republic (Krkonoše National Park, Šumava National Park, Podyjí National Park and Bohemian Switzerland National Park). The Ministry of the Environment is preparing a proclamation of the Křivoklátsko National Park. There are also 26 protected landscape areas (PLAs), 110 national nature reserves, 125 national nature monuments and hundreds of other nature reserves and nature monuments in the Czech Republic.


2. Species 


Biologické invaze jsou jednou z nejdůležitějších součástí současných globálních změn a vážnou hrozbou pro zachování biodiverzity a fungování ekosystémů, včetně socio-ekonomických problémů, které s sebou nesou. Rychlá detekce potenciálně invazních druhů v regionu má velký význam, aby se zabránilo velkým zamořením a snížily se potenciální dopady. 

Cílem tohoto projektu je shromáždit informace o rozšíření skupiny nepůvodních druhů v České republice. 

See full assesment 





Main organisers are scientists from Crop Research Institute and from Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences

The event is supported by some scientific societies, such as the Czech Ornithological Society, the Czech Entomological Society, the Czech Society for Ecology and the Czech Botanical Society. 

The event will be also supported by Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic and National Museum Prague.

Jiří Skuhrovec,
Pavel Pipek,
Kateřina Štajerová,